So, you make it through the paperwork, the flight and have managed to settle into your cramped hotel room in Vicenza. There are so many things to get used to when you arrive, but if you are anything like I am all you can think about is getting some wheels so you can learn about […]
Some Information on the International Drivers License
One of the perks of being stationed in Italy is travel! From Vicenza, you can reach more than five countries within four hours by car. Before you hop in the car and take off, don’t forget to get your international drivers license. What is the International Drivers License? The international drivers license is also called […]
Train Travel in Italy: Helpful Videos
I had never came near a train before coming to Italy. Catching a train in most parts of the U.S. is not easy, because the passenger train system is not well developed in the states. Here in Vicenza, you can catch a train to many places. I am getting off topic though, so back to […]
No-Fee Passports and Tourist Passports, What is the Difference?

Your family is on orders to Italy. You know you will need a passport. You talk to friends or spouses that have been there and do that, but it still seems confusing. Do you need one or two passports? What is the difference between the passport that you apply for through the military installation travel […]
Book Review: Italy From the Inside

Italy From the Inside: The Definitive Guide for Travelers is an ebook written by Francesca and Paolo Tosolini. The couple are Italians who have settled in the pacific northwest of the United States. Because they are from Italy, the authors understand Italian culture. This knowledge makes the book a very useful not just to travelers, […]
How to Use an Italian Pharmacy
American Military Housing in Vicenza

“Where will I live?” is a big question when moving to Italy. You may wonder how you will ever find housing or if everyone lives in government quarters. Hopefully, this post will help explain the housing system here in Vicenza. Options for Military Housing in Vicenza For active duty military families, there are three options […]
Three Beaches Near Vicenza, Italy
How to Keep a U.S. Phone Number When Living in Italy

I don’t know how people survived living in a foreign country before all the technology we have today existed. Writing letters and short but expensive phone calls were the norm. Thank goodness that is no longer the case. We now have quite a few options to stay in touch with our friends and family stateside. […]